Square Roots

I had to find the square root of 78.  I found the consecutive numbers it was between, my first number was 64 which means that I multiplied 8*8.  My second number was 81 which means that I multiplied 9*9.  Next, I found that 78 was closer to 81 .  Then, I picked random numbers that were the same and multiplied them like 8.6*8.6.  I found out that 8.8*8.8= 77.44 and that was closest to 78, so that means that 8.8 is the answer.

First Math Test

We took our first math test last week.  It was on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing negative numbers.   When you add two negative numbers it will end up being a negative number.  When subtracting two negative numbers it depends on what number is larger.  If the negative number is larger it will end up being a negative number.  If a positive number is larger then it will end up being positive.  When multiplying and dividing two negative numbers it will end up being a positive number.  When multiplying and dividing two positive numbers it will end up being a positive number.  When multiplying ad dividing a negative and a positive number it will equal a negative number.

Example- -3+4=1
